Tefila: Women's Gift, & Listener Feedback (Meaningful Tefila #10 - Ep. 157)
/R' Orlofsky reacts to the massive response to the Meaningful Tefila series, and reflects on women's unique connection to Tefila.
Read MoreR' Orlofsky reacts to the massive response to the Meaningful Tefila series, and reflects on women's unique connection to Tefila.
Read MoreOur prayers are best in special places - with special people (conclusion of the Meaningful Tefila series.)
Read MoreWhen you feel Someone is really listening, your tefila will never be the same.
Read MoreLet's learn to appreciate the wonders of everyday life.
Read MoreTake your Tefilos to the next level by preparing in advance!
Read MorePracticing regular davening keeps us "in shape" for when the opportunity for meaningful prayer arrives.
Read MoreImagine if you really knew that your tefillos would be answered...
Read MoreA grateful mind is the key to a life of contentment.
Read MoreRabbi Orlofsky kicks off a new series on Meaningful Tefila.
Read MoreThe official website of Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky. Browse hundreds of free audio shiurim, articles, and more!
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