Introducing Mesillas Yesharim Live
Join Rabbi Orlofsky on a weekly group video call for an unforgettable journey through the Ramchal’s Mesillas Yesharim - a shiur honed over three decades that has touched the lives of hundreds of people.
How it Works
Mesillas Yesharim Live is a weekly group video call with Rabbi Orlofsky.
The shiur is about an hour long and is fully interactive. Participants can feel free to ask questions.
To accommodate the schedules of our viewers, there are two separate tracks on different days:
Sundays at 9 AM EST
Mondays at 1 PM EST (Women only)
Both tracks have the same content.
How to Connect
Mesillas Yesharim Live is a group video call on the ZOOM platform.
You can participate on your computer, smart devices, or by dialing in by phone.
You will be asked to turn on your camera so R’ Orlofsky can see you face to face.
All sessions are recorded so you can review later or catch up on a day you missed.
These recordings will not be available to the public.
Mesillas Yesharim Live is exclusive to paid subscribers.
Mesillas Yesharim Live FAQ
Is there a free version or trial?
No. Due to the amount of time this project will consume, Mesillas Yesharim Live is only available to paying subscribers.
How much does it cost?
Click on “Sign Up“ to view the pricing page.
What time is the shiur?
There are two separate tracks, Sunday at 9 AM EST, and Monday at 1 PM EST.
The Monday shiur is for women only.
Is there a difference between the Sunday and Monday shiurim?
No, the two shiurim have identical content.
The Monday shiur accommodates people who would otherwise be uncomfortable speaking up or turning their cameras on.
The tracks are completely separate and are not expected to stay in sync with one another.
How do I select which day I’d prefer?
After you sign up you’ll receive an email with instructions.
If I’ve select one shiur, can I switch to the other?
Yes. To change the date, contact us.
Can I share my subscription with others?
As a subscriber, you can watch the shiur on one device at a time.
If several people all want to crowd around a single device during the shiur, that's OK.
If the others would like to participate via their own individual devices, they should sign up separately.
Please do not share your access to the archive of recording with anyone else.
What about R’ Orlofsky’s trips?
R’ Orlofsky will be able to livestream when on the go, so the shiurim will be minimally impacted.
Do I need to turn on my camera?
It’s strongly advised. For teaching efficacy, R’ Orlofsky would like to see the participants throughout the shiur.
Will others in the shiur be able to see me?
Yes. This is a limitation of our hosting provider. If you are uncomfortable, you can participate with your camera turned off.
You’ll still be able to see Rabbi Orlofsky.
Will I need a copy of the physical sefer?
It’s recommended that you have a physical copy of the Sefer.
Until then, Sefaria have an excellent online version here ›
Is the shiur recorded?
All shiurim will be recorded. The recording will be only be available to members of the shiur.
Participants who speak will appear in the recording. The video and audio of the shiur will be available for download shortly after the shiur ends.
Can I change the playback speed of the recording?
The recordings can be played online at 1x, 1.5x, and 2x speeds.
The recordings can also be downloaded and played back with whatever apps you decided to use.
How will my subscription be billed?
Your card will be charged once a month on the day that you began your subscription.
For example, if you subscribed on Jan 1st, you will be billed on Feb 1st, Mar 1st, etc.
Payments are handled by Stripe Inc, a secure, PCI-compliant payment vendor.
Charges will appear on your bank statements from R ORLOFSKY M YESHARIM
How can I cancel my subscription?
To change or cancel your subscription, contact us
Please allow one (1) business day’s notice for cancellations.
Sponsored by Shmuli Rozenburg Lillui Nishmas Bracha Charna Bas Meir Shamai.