17 Tammuz: Total Breakdown (Ep. 176)
/The 17th of Tammuz teaches us to build ourselves up in a world that's breaking down.
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β Questions of the Week
π Submit your questions at https://rabbiorlofsky.com/qa
"How do you know if you are getting a message from Hashem, or if it's just nothing? (Via anonymous)
"Why by ashkenazim/yeshivish community is there no emphasis on mesorah of minhagim, unlike sefardim and yekkes? (Via Dovid Herbsman)
Why do people die? (Via Dina)
Should high school boys learn daf yomi? (Via anonymous)
"You have mentioned that you go "upstairs" to the bais medrash. Do you have a Bais Medrash in your building? As Rabbi Orlofsky crazies, this is something we need to know . (Via Yossef Alcabes)
[00:00] Intro
[00:22] About our schedule...
[2:35] 17 Tammuz: Total Breakdown
[25:12] A message from Hashem?
[32:27] Ashkenazi Minhagim?
[37:06] Why do people die?
[38:13] Daf Yomi in high school?
[40:03] Upstairs beis medresh?
[42:30] Looking for Chassidism singers
[44:23] Outro
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"The Rabbi Orlofsky Show Theme"
Composed and Performed by Lenny Solomon
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