When Life gets Messy (Ep. 171)

No matter how big the mess, we can clean up and start over.

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❓ Questions of the Week

πŸ“ Submit your questions at https://rabbiorlofsky.com/qa

  1. "With all the discussion about R' Chaim Kanievsky's hasmadah (finishing Shas every year, etc), isn't it discouraging? I'm just a normal guy and will probably not finish Shas even once it my lifetime! How can we normal people hear such gedolim stories and not be discouraged? (Submitted by anonymous)

  2. Why can't women be halachic witnesses? (Submitted by anonymous)

  3. Could you please say the story about how your brother burnt down the kitchen? (Submitted by anonymous)



[00:00] Intro

[00:29] Live in Flatbush 2!

[2:00] πŸŽ‰ Tefila series is live!

[3:26] Topic: When Life gets Messy

[31:35] Q&A - Discouraged by Gedolim stories?

[35:55] Q&A - Women witnesses?

[40:00] Q&A - Burnt down the kitchen?

[46:05] Outro


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"The Rabbi Orlofsky Show Theme"

Composed and Performed by Lenny Solomon

Learn more at https://rabbiorlofsky.com/music


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