Visitors & Introducing Thumbnails
/It's been almost 3 weeks since the site launched, and the response has been incredible.
Since launch, we've been visited over 950 times by visitors from 10 countries, including the US, Israel, the UK, Mexico, India, Malaysia, and Brazil!
Shiurim have been downloaded a collective 350+ times. Several of you also wrote in.
We're proud to announce another design change.
Introducing Thumbnails
The site is now sprinkled with thumbnails, little graphics that link around the site. For instance, here's the homepage:
The Shiurim pages now have links between the various categories, so you can easily explore.
The 404 error page now sports useful links, as well as a 'Report Broken Link' action, where you can inform us of the inaccurate link that landed you there.
The links in the footer are also more detailed:
We hope these changes will help visitors like you discover the site more easily.
- An additional group of shiurim on the Chagim is in the works. They should be up in a few days, G-d willing.
- There are some great things coming down the pipeline. Stay tuned!
Until next time, Development Team
Sponsored by Shmuli Rozenburg Lillui Nishmas Bracha Charna Bas Meir Shamai.