Song starts at 1:42
The Rabbi Orlofsky Show Theme song
Lenny Solomon (of Episode 65) has written and recorded a theme song for the show! You’ll hear it on all episodes going forward.
Composed & Performed by Lenny Solomon of Shlock Rock ›
Arranged, recorded & mixed by Michoel Samuels
Keyboards, Bass, Drums & Brass Programming Michoel Samuels
Guitars Oren Sharon ›
Saxophone Moshe Samuels
Downloads & Sheet Music
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
Torah and simcha,
ready to go
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
Knowledge and wisdom
Will help you grow
Lots of fun every episode
And we don’t have to rhyme
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
And more
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
(saxophone solo)
(guitar solo)
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
Torah and simcha,
ready to go
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
‘Till next time,
‘till we meet again
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky show
It’s the Rabbi Orlofsky -
Sponsored by Tzvi & Hinda Friedman.
In honor of Rabbi Orlofsky’s birthday!
You should be healthy, happy and able to continue your incredible work for many many years and many birthdays to come!