PART 4: Singing Shabbos with Ari Goldwag (Ep. 216)
/Due to the situation in Eretz Yisrael, the Gedolim have advised to work on our Shmiras Shabbos.
Rabbi Orlofsky has decided to make the next few episodes about this important topic, in order to help us learn more and be Mischazek in our Shmiras Shabbos.
Sponsored by Shas for Shidduchim. is a national initiative of ChesedChicago that gives singles, along with their friends or family members, an impactful way to generate Shidduchim.
ChesedChicago has gathered hundreds of Lomdim to complete all of Shas in 24 hours, as a z’chus for Klal Yisroel’s singles.
Secure your Zchus, at code “ORLOFSKY”!
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Sponsored by Shmuli Rozenburg Lillui Nishmas Bracha Charna Bas Meir Shamai.