Special Guest: RAV GAV (Ep. 196)
/Join Rabbi Orlofsky and Rav Gav for an episode of laughter as Rav Gav shares about his journey to public speaking, how working in Aish HaTorah was a mistake, and much more!
Read MoreJoin Rabbi Orlofsky and Rav Gav for an episode of laughter as Rav Gav shares about his journey to public speaking, how working in Aish HaTorah was a mistake, and much more!
Read MoreOn today’s live show, Rabbi Orlofsky hosts Rav Yitzchok Frankel of the Aguda of the Five Towns, to share stories of R’ Moshe Feinstein and answer questions about living in this generation.
Read MoreAs in past years, Rabbi Orlofsky explains a chapter of the Kinot - this year chapter 11, “ויקונן ירמיהו על יאשיהו”
May this be the last Tisha Bav episode for next year we will be rejoicing at the third Beit Hamikdash.
Read MoreOur words have the power to change reality - for good and for bad. Use them wisely!
Read MoreWe’re each given talents in this life, and we have to make sure to use them wisely and not let them go to waste.
Read More🎉 Check out the Meaningful Tefila series, on Zoom: http://rabbiorlofsky.com/tefila
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[00:00 ] Intro
[00:21] The road to destruction
[26:32] Q&A 1: Bris invitations?
[29:48] Q&A 2: Music or noise?
[35:55] Q&A 3: Davening for someone else?
[36:50] Q&A 4: The Sukkah question
[37:18] Q&A 5: How to get good at talking?
[40:29] Outro
[40:52] Theme song
"The Rabbi Orlofsky Show Theme"
Composed and Performed by Lenny Solomon
Learn more at https://rabbiorlofsky.com/music
Discussing today’s generation
Read MoreChanuka teaches us how to take on apikorsim on their own intellectual level.
Read MoreThe story of Eisav teaches us to look beyond externalities.
Read MoreRabbi Orlofsky reflects on 4 years of the show, and on how to make great plans at the very start.
Read MoreWhy is it so hard to find happiness during Sukkos and Simchas Torah?
Read MoreTeshuva is the greatest favor of all - we can undo the past!
Read MoreHashem can give you anything this year. What will you ask for?
Read MoreTeshuva begins when we admit that we have what to work on.
Read MoreElul teaches is that we're capable of taking responsibility for our lives.
Read MoreSummer is the time to revel in the beauty of God's creation.
Read MoreLet's find some great activities to do with our families this summer.
Read MoreIn today's world, nothing pays off like being thoughtful with our words.
Read MoreLet's bring everyone together and end this Galus once and for all!
Read MoreHow can we live peacefully in such a risky world?
Read MoreThe official website of Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky. Browse hundreds of free audio shiurim, articles, and more!
Sponsored by Rachel Raz - In honor of my husband Yisroel Raz's birthday.
Sponsored by Shmuli Rozenburg Lillui Nishmas Bracha Charna Bas Meir Shamai.