Tazria - New Life
/5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Read MoreA 5 minute though on the parasha, with Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky!
5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檌lui Nishmas
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诪砖讛 讘谉 讗诇讟专 诪专讚讻讬
讞讬讛 诇讗讛 讘转 讗讛专谉
讘专谞讛 讘转 砖诪讞讛
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檙efuah Shleima
Avraham Ben Chayah Leah.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檙efuah Shleima
Avraham Ben Chayah Leah.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檙efuah Shleima
Avraham Ben Chayah Leah.
Sponsored by a dedicated follower of the show on TorahAnytime.
Thank you Rabbi Orlofsky!!
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檙efuah Shleima
Avraham Ben Chayah Leah.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檌lui Nishmas
诪讗讬专 讗诇讬壮 讘谉 讗诇讟讬专 讞讬讬诐 讬讜住祝 爪讘讬
诪砖讛 讘谉 讗诇讟专 诪专讚讻讬
讞讬讛 诇讗讛 讘转 讗讛专谉
讘专谞讛 讘转 砖诪讞讛
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檌lui Nishmas
诪讗讬专 讗诇讬壮 讘谉 讗诇讟讬专 讞讬讬诐 讬讜住祝 爪讘讬
诪砖讛 讘谉 讗诇讟专 诪专讚讻讬
讞讬讛 诇讗讛 讘转 讗讛专谉
讘专谞讛 讘转 砖诪讞讛
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L鈥檌lui Nishmas
诪讗讬专 讗诇讬壮 讘谉 讗诇讟讬专 讞讬讬诐 讬讜住祝 爪讘讬
诪砖讛 讘谉 讗诇讟专 诪专讚讻讬
讞讬讛 诇讗讛 讘转 讗讛专谉
讘专谞讛 讘转 砖诪讞讛
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored for the quick and safe return of the Israeli hostages and for the safety of our soldiers and our country.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored for the quick and safe return of the Israeli hostages and for the safety of our soldiers and our country.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored for the quick and safe return of the Israeli hostages and for the safety of our soldiers and our country.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored by S.Z.M. from RBS in honor of her son's Bar Mitzvah.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreMikeitz - A Time of Light | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky
5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored L'iluy Nishmas Leah Rochel Bas Avraham.
Sponsored in honor of Rebbitzen Orlofsky.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
Sponsored by Baruch and Judy Zimmerman of Chicago.
Sponsored as a Zechus for all yeshuos.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read More5 minute Dvar Torah to say at the Shabbos table, by Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky.
In zechus and safety for all of Klal Yisroel and that this galus should end very soon.
馃 Sponsorship opportunities: https://rabbiorlofsky.com/sponsor
Read MoreThe official website of Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky. Browse hundreds of free audio shiurim, articles, and more!
Sponsored by Simcha Lauer.
As a Zechus Refuah Shleima for Simcha Yitzchak Ben Mirila Yudka.
Thank you!
Sponsored anonymously as a Zechus for Rabbi Orlofsky and his family.
Sponsored by Tzvi & Hinda Friedman.
In honor of Rabbi Orlofsky鈥檚 birthday!
You should be healthy, happy and able to continue your incredible work for many many years and many birthdays to come!